confirmed! After Xie Shuwei/Cao Jiayi, the Zhan sisters also went straight to the Olympics and made it to the Five Rings Hall for three consecutive years.

Zhan Haoqing, ranked 24th in the world, chose to partner with her sister Zhan Yongran. The Tennis Association was notified in advance and confirmed that two groups, Xie Suwei/Cao Jiayi and Zhan Haoqing/Zhan Yongran, have qualified for the Paris Olympics. The Tennis Association stated, "After all the lists of the International Tennis Federation are confirmed, We will then confirm whether there are still eligible events for domestic players to participate in.”

Retired Swiss tennis player Federer: 即時比分"You can see the struggles we go through and how fragile we are. When the kids grow up, I can show them. Hey, look at what we did together, look at our Journey, so it’s great because the end of my career is like magic, and it’s beautiful.”

Recently, Federer also received an honorary doctorate from Dartmouth College in the United States and delivered a speech to the graduates.Retired Swiss tennis player Federer: "Negative energy is a loss, a waste. You have to become a master and overcome difficult moments. To me, this is the symbol of a championship. The best players in the world are not because they win Every point is great because they know they will lose over and over again but learn how to deal with it.”運彩

Zhan Haoqing, ranked 24th in the world, chose to partner with her sister Zhan Yongran. The Tennis Association was notified in advance and confirmed that two groups, Xie Suwei/Cao Jiayi and Zhan Haoqing/Zhan Yongran, have qualified for the Paris Olympics. The Tennis Association stated, "After all the lists of the International Tennis Federation are confirmed, We will then confirm whether there are still eligible events for domestic players to participate in.”

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